Thursday, July 19, 2007

VOMIT paper ? exorcist labels?

Back story:
I got the idea to name handmade paper to sleeve all of my soaps I soaked all these nice bits of scrap paper, and added yellow dye. This was supposed to be a *nice* lemony yellow color.

I blended it in our Smoothie maker, and put it in a big bowl. Notice the size of my hand in comparison to the bowl.

It was too think.

I added water.....lots of got bigger and bigger. I had to manually (as in with my hands) scoop it onto the frame, and had forgotten til i stuck my hands in there that I had added WARM water.

Nasty. NASTY!Puke? Exorcist paper? Insides -of-the-holey-cow paper???

I mashed and mashed, trying to smooth it, to get some of that thick mess mashed down. I used a whole giant picnic pack of paper towels blotting it. Somehow I think that cancels out the whole "Recycle paper and be green" idea.

Yeah, it's green all right. GREEN VOMIT !

Any idea what went wrong??????

(there is calendula and dried chamomile in there somewhere)

You can see the nice soaps at

1 comment:

Beki - TheRustedChain said...

Haha!! That looks terrible!!!

I bet it dried into some cool paper though. :)