Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Siamese Cats are CRAZY, I TELL YOU !!!

So, it's 100 degrees here, how 'bout you ??

The last 3 summers it has not been consistantly this hot , but I have air conditioned the Cattery anyway. With a small window unit. For those who don't know what a cathouse is, it's a 10 by 20 foot insulated metal building, with wood floors, windows, and a 12 foot screened porch coming off one end. The cattery is in the sun all day, the cat porch is in the shade. We currently have 6 female cats in need of adoption living in the cattery.
Anyhoo, every year I'd run that air conditioner, even tho my power bill would shoot over $300. But they never would be inside. They'd be outside, on the cat porch, afraid a squirrel would run by to close and they wouldn't get to watch the maniacal Chihuahuas chase it.
So, I took the little air conditioner for my stock room. I do work up quite a sweat in there ironing and starching those full skirted 50's dresses, ya know.
Today, after an Arby's run, I felt the need to refill the water trough out there, and pet a few kitties in the shade of the porch.
BUT NAY ! EVERY ONE of them came running out of the cattery thru their little swinging door...and I kid you not, it has to be every bit of 120 degrees in there.
It's proven: Siamese cats are so stubborn they will try to bend Mother Nature to their collective wills .
I came inside, where it's nice and cool, and on my couch, all balled up in a faux fur throw, were the Housecats, like I had the house cooled to Iceburg levels. NOT !!! It's 75 in here.
I don't know what's up. This past winter, we had a few cold nights where it went down to below freezing, and I'd stumble out to the cattery to check the heat, and , yes, you guessed it, they'd be on the cat porch.....right out in the cold. With the inside all nice and toasty, with little padded cat beds.
I give up. Help me. Does anyone want to adopt a very stubborn Siamese female With Issues? I have 4 .....I drop one in the mail to you, Priority.

In the meantime, check out my top 4 new items that had to be hidden from prying Siamese eyes :

GIGANTIC lucite egg necklace pendant vintage (they had thought of making this a neat Cat Toy)

DISCO WINE vintage dress S M : (neato, that smooth poly would be SWEET on the claws)

vintage groovy halter top MOD 60s cotton XS S M hippie (small enough for 10 cats to try and lie on it at once)

COSPLAY vintage costume dress satin sequins (Ahhh...noo, no vet trips today for undigested sequins)

THIS is why my stock room has a big huge brass lock on the top top of the door!

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